Translation Theory
The following documents discuss:
Doctrinal, exegetical, translational
This document discusses the distinction among doctrinal, exegetical, and translational issues when evaluating any translation revision of the Bible.
On translation theory and choosing a Bible
This paper provides an in-depth look at translational theories dating back to Martin Luther, it also explores the arguments for word-for-word translations, and the case for translations that better reflect the target reader’s language.
Translations and the Text of the Greek New Testament
This paper discusses a proper understanding of textual criticism and how it relates to translation. In addition, the paper discusses the longer ending of Mark and the text of the New King James Version.
Principles of Bible Translation – Applied to Prophecy
This paper addressing issues concerning the translation of prophecy was requested as a follow-up to a paper on principles for making and evaluating Bible translations, which was presented to a conference of the Michigan District in Monroe, Michigan in January, 2012.